Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Expectation Rigidity, Problem Proliferation
A competitive position one can take, when dealing with uncertainty, is keeping the mind-set / head-space open and learning. Exact knowledge of what will happen next is not attainable.

Shifting from the Tautological to Consequential
Be concerned with learning, not with being right or wrong. Every act of free will, pattern disrupted and agglomeration of uncertainty is an opportunity for learning. Here it is not a game; there are no rules, only connections.

Weigh Anchor!
Things change. We all know this. However, this only becomes truly interesting, and relevant, when we remember our tendency to forget that things change. Being competitive is no longer a question of what you know and/or what you did, but what can you learn and/or what you could do.

Keep Flexible, Seek Clarity, Discover Questions
The value destruction currently taking place offers incessant opportunity, to capitalize on said opportunities we need new actions to help lead thought the ensuing uncertainty.
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