Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Keep Flexible, Seek Clarity, Discover Questions

The world has been fantastic lately, a truly joyful place for anyone interested in uncertainty and complexity. I will not spend time recapping the global changes that have taken place since my last entry, if you do not know them you are probably not interested in reading further. Anyway, the build up to the current global financial and economic crisis, and the recent presidential election, offers awesome opportunity for those willing to be serious about competing for the future, not those changing for the present based on the past.

It has been rough ride in the last few months. Many of the models and "best practices" have been razed, rightly so, creating historic value destruction that will play out for years. We could not ask for a better situation. The opportunity to create unique competitive position is unprecedented, if one can become comfortable with uncertainty (I was going to write "extreme uncertainty", before I caught myself categorizing levels of uncertainty, which would imply I know the difference between mild and extreme uncertainty).

The value destruction currently taking place offers incessant opportunity, to capitalize on said opportunities we need new actions to help lead thought the ensuing uncertainty. Below are a few of these actions.

Keep flexible
: things change and nothing destroys value more than a rigid culture living in a lithe environment. Ways of doing business that were taken for granted a few months ago are being reevaluated. Governments, companies, markets, economies and individuals are now forced to reconsider how resources are allocated. Companies that prepare for the future by being flexible enough to create the future will earn competitiveness.

Seek clarity: complexity is natural, and so is human's aversion to it. It is not surprising that our tendency towards simplification has run its course. The global financial meltdown was the product of distorted data, information and knowledge through simplification (forcing linear categories, ignoring complexity and asymmetry). The ability for financial models tools to provide a false sense of security has proven disastrous. Unfortunately the thinking these tools represent are so imbedded in the education systems and business cultures we all live in or are heavily influenced by, it will take some time for us to learn how to manage complexity and uncertainty with clarity.

Discover Questions: after the (creative) destruction, there will be a strong need for the new, different and better. For example, we could be facing a significant period were thrift is an equal or greater factor of prosperity than monetary wealth. This concept demands radical innovations in the way we think, spend, plan and buy. As demonstrated by the current health of financial and automotive industries, continuing the practices of yesterday to succeed tomorrow is questionable.

Originally published December 19, 2008

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