Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Integral Opportunities
We need to think deeper, harder and faster and stretch our comfort levels when dealing with uncertainty, complexity and the unconventional … because the current situation is definitely uncertain, complex and will require unconventional approach to resolve.

How About a Side Order of Complexity with Your Uncertainty?
When making a decision that involves complexity and uncertainty, it is easy to depend on experience and accomplishment. This approach is used most of the time. It is used so often, everyone does it. Well, if everyone does it then it is undifferentiated and distinctly uncompetitive?

Clarification Through Critical Discussion
The concept of critical discussion to solve complex problems is not new. However, in today's time-starved decision environment, taking the time to think through a problem in all its complexities and respecting competing constituencies is new … and better.

New, Different … and Potentially Better
Change happens fast, especially when it is in dire need. Right now the change the world is facing is new, different and arguably better. Since we are still in the mist global restructuring we can do more than just hope for a positive outcome, we actually have the chance to create something completely new, different and better.
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