Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Wm. Caleb McCann
      Leader  +  Learner  +  Thinker  +  Doer
Finding out Carbon's Shoe Size over Dinner
A major hurdle to solving the global food crisis is that we, the world's population, do not have a common problem. The causes of the food crisis, and its associated issues, are not universal; they are regional and local. The food crisis needs to be addressed, in all its complexity, as part of the oil crisis and climate change crisis, because each has roots in the others, in terms of both causes and solutions.

Something Afoot Contrary to Common Expectations
There are several terms being used a fair amount to describe the current business environment, which start with "un": as in "unknown", "uncertain", "unpredictable", "unprecedented" and "uncharted". The proliferation of words starting with "un" in the business press indicates that there is something afoot contrary to common expectations.
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